private coaching



What does living an UNAPOLOGETIC LIFE even look like?

Maybe it's being able to...

... own the room in your little black dress and red lipstick

... stay cool and steady as you stand up for yourself in a room full of men

... not short-circuit to your "good girl" conditioning every time someone needs something from you

... love yourself through those waves of feelings telling you you're both too much and not enough

... forgive yourself for binging on the triple chocolate cookies at 11pm (true story!)

… look at your naked body in the mirror and adoring her deeply and not shaming her for not looking like some “beauty industry standard”

… start the business that terrifies the shit outta you

Living an Unapologetic Life (aka being an Unleashed Badass Woman) doesn't mean you are an asshole or being mean to others. It means you get to show up like the boss ass bitch that you are—with your power, without your shame, and ready to use your big juicy heart (and pussy) to do big juicy things in this world, AUTHENTICALLY and create a life that turns you the fuck on!

If that's what you are looking for, perfect! You are in the right place then, love!

At this point, you probs… 

  • Read all the books (The Alchemist maybe?)

  • Went to India to do your YTT

  • Hired all the coaches that felt more like a codependent relationship

  • Got into various programs/courses

  • Went on retreats

  • Tried dieting (keto maybe?)

  • Treated yourself to a spa day

  • Tried all the psychotherapy techniques

  • Meditated your way to Buddha…

While the above are all amazing, they DO NOT serve you well if you are still living your life, not being your true self because you are behind the Good Girl conditioning veil, maybe learned a few things but then again the same ol’ patterns and results?

Well, we need some changes around this house, and here is how!

Ronak looking at camera


Hi! I’m Ronak

Headmistress of badassery and turn on and HBIC in the Unleashed Rebels world, put on earth to support women step into their full-on power, boldness and most unleashed self, so they can create a life that turns them the fuck on!

In the past 3 years I have gone from a people-pleasing good girl to a powerful, unleashed and liberated woman. 

I'm fully convinced that unleashing our repressed parts is the key to unlocking a life built on authenticity and beyond our wildest of dreams!

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Imagine being on that stage while people are mesmerized by your amazing story 

Imagine being so raw, true, and authentically YOU that people are so drawn to you and your work and just want to throw their money at you to teach them your ways 

Imagine running a business with so much power from a place of grounded energy and trust in your badassery


It is better than another day of overthinking yourself into anxiety, asking why you can't be bold and unapologetic! Asking “what is wrong with me?”... and you end up in a Netflix binge of avoidance with a whole ass bar of chocolate that ends up in sugar high and then you wake up to “Are you still watching?” questioning your life decisions and when it's ever gonna be your time...   

You know there is a reason you landed here, reading these words, it's time for real ass change!

As Uncle Einstein said:

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

 I loved working with Ronak! She met me with such loving presence and compassion. During our session I felt held and safe to open up to her in ways I did not allow myself to with other coaches. Her approach is both intuitive and structured. She led me gently through exercises, and allowed space for my full expression. I never felt judged or like I was "too much" - I felt truly and deeply cared for. Thank you, Ronak!

- Katie Kozel, VITA TM Coaching Peer


 Ronak, how do we do all this?

Great question babe!

We will get on our discovery call together and take a look at how the good girl is holding you back in your life now, then we'll identify what is the next step for you to finally show up in the world as your most unleashed and unapologetic self, creating an epic life on your terms.

This is real deep work, it's not some fluff type of work!

Here’s the breakdown:


Our work will bring all the things to the surface where we can look at them and see how they have served you in the past and how they show up today in your relationships/friendships

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You get to create connection and befriend all the disassociated parts, unhelpful patterns, love them for how they have served you, accept them and welcome them to the party

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When it comes to lasting change, the most important thing is the way your brain is creating stories and how you take it under control. My job is to help you bring your mind on board with your new normal

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We will have embodied practices, which means you get to practice what you learned in our sessions in real-world (e.g. setting solid boundaries with family/friends to stop asking you “when are you getting married”)

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Getting so good with mindset and showing up in the world as your authentic self that you get to meet your Inner Bad Bitch, who is a full-on queen, she knows what she desires, she feels worthy of her desires (biz, work, money, soulmate, luxury trips around the world, [Insert Desire Here]) and you practice her ways of showing up with ease/pleasure

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Create the life beyond your wildest dreams, now that you are not neck deep in your good girl conditioning


a few more details:


  • 18 60-minute coaching calls in our 6 months of coaching container

  • Voxer access to me between calls to celebrate, digest, shit hit the fan and need support or just support (lol) and overall anything else you may want my help with

  • Welcome workbook to dive deep into your desires and get clarity and for me to have a better understanding of your story before we start

  • Practices/homework to do in between sessions to go even deeper and get to those results faster


Well let's be honest here, the results are created by you and it's dependant on YOU and how you show up, cuz we are not in the business of forcing you to do things here!

What I can promise tho, is that I will show up 100% for you and hold the vision of you becoming your most authentic and unapologetic self, leading the life that you have always dreamed of. I can hold you in your sabotaging patterns and help you move through them easier so you don't run on the hamster wheel of relentless patterns. 

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breakdown of this delicious coaching package!

  •  A 6-month container

  • Your investment $7500

  • Payment Plans Available


 a little love note before you go:

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There are no coincidences in this world, my love.

There is a reason you landed on this page (and have been reading this far)

Your soul/pussy/inner bad bitch/goddess... called you here.

If this feels like a hard decision, self-doubt is sneaking in, or you are just not sure, take a moment to:

  • Pause

  • Close your eyes

  • Put your hand on your heart/pussy, take a deep breath

  • Ask the energy that called you here, “what is the next best step for me?”

Take note of your body's response and listen intently with love, it's totally normal (and human) to be afraid, or doubtful when it comes to stepping into a new chapter of your life.

Take a moment to figure out what is the next step, my love.

I’d be honored to be on your journey and if that's the next step you are called to, I am looking forward to our call.

Keep trusting, keep unleashing




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