bad bitch blueprint

If you’re ready to take the 1st step into your badassery, full-on power, and your unique legacy in this world while being your most authentic and beautifully raw self…

This is for YOU

I know you are done being the good girl living in the people-pleasing, procrastination, and self-doubt land 

Which is keeping you from having the life you desire and clogging your flow of abundance (money, love, energy...)

You see! It's all your conditioning, it's NOT your true self (*shrugs*)

That's why I have reverse-engineered the whole thing and can tailor it to YOU and your needs and called it…


Keep reading 😉

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Can you do me a favor and go into dreamland for a second?

  • What if you owned your power, unleashed your inner badass bitch, created a life on YOUR TERMS, not based on what patriarchy, family, society tells you!?

  • What if you showed up as your inner badass CEO and said what you wanted to say to your audience without freaking out?

  • What if you let yourself be totally, unapologetically YOU?

  • What if you let yourself be in total receiving mode? from the universe, people around you, life???

  • What if you were 99% in pleasure at ALL TIMES? (Yeahp, you heard that right bitch!)

  • Imagine walking on that stage, talking about your story, people mesmerized by it

Fill in the blank with your deepest desires that you don't even dare admit to yourself…

Well! My Bad Bitch Blueprint offers a tailor-made experience for YOU to embody your badassery, see what’s holding you back right the fuck now, and help your brain start learning that “this is my new normal”, so it won’t sabotage what you’ve created!

So let’s take you to your next fucking level of badassery, boldness, and visibility in life, business, and relationships!

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Now sing it with me! “I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch” 

I mean… Lizzo understood the assignment! Haha


Listen! Our work will be about making your deepest most authentic self feel seen, welcoming her, and getting her Uncovered and Unleashed so that you can feel at home in your body and mind… (voilaaa)


Let's get you leading from your badassery and power, instead of your conditioning!


let's talk deets: 


What's included in the package:

  • This intensive is customized to meet you exactly where you are, my Bad Bitch Blueprint is here to help you get crystal clear on what the pattern is that is holding you back.

  • How your inner Bad Bitch can help you break free, unleash and thrive in the world by working with your patterns and not against them, creating safety in breaking free of unhelpful patterns by replacing them with helpful patterns

  • Breaking through mindset barriers with practices based on your specific genius, having solid confidence in execution

If you’ve been putting off your next-level self, now’s the time to invest in yourself and let your transformation blow your own mind awayyyy.

This intensive is all you need to get started fast—and keep up the momentum going for this year, f*ck resolutions, let's start building your self-trust muscle and letting your badassery lead!


want more?