about me


I know! I know!

You have done all the programs and retreats, meditated your way to Buddha, read all the self-help books, but nothing seems to work!

Because you haven't gone deep in the root cause of your conditioning!

You’re trying to unleash the badass woman who is underneath good girl conditioning.


You landed in the perfect place!

ronak pahani smiling in blue dress

Hi there, I'm Ronak! 

Headmistress of turn-on and badassery!

I was put on this planet to guide women step into their full-on power, boldness and most authentic self (AKA unleashing their inner bad bitch) so they can create a life that turns them the fuck on!

In the past 3 years I have gone from a people-pleasing good girl to a powerful, unleashed and liberated woman

I'm fully convinced that unleashing our repressed parts is the key to unlocking a life built on authenticity and beyond our wildest of dreams!

gold squiggly line

I mean, I immigrated to the US, took off my hijab cuz it wasn't my truth, danced my way through the hard times (literally!) and became a competitive dancer, got trained as a sex, love and relationship coach, quit my software developer job to become a female liberation guide/coach and have not looked back since, talk about creating the life you desire...

Like 99% of other women, I thought being the independent woman, unconscious people-pleasing, sacrificing, not being fully me is the only way to exist as a woman in the patriarchy (which was true and safe before the rise of the feminine but now we are changing the narrative).

While that is the way of living life (just like generations before us), it's not the most pleasant or even feminine way!

I was put on this planet to help women who are deep in their good girl conditioning, juggling between being too much and not enough, unleash their inner badassery and power by using pleasure and pussy power to unleash their inner bad bitch.

ronak with outstreched arms wearing hijab
ronak dancing on stage
ronak touching face smiling


I came to the US to study for my Master’s degree in Computer Science, maybe climb the corporate ladder (maybe in Google) and become someone “important”, you know? I was very much a go-getter, in an over-masculine way to prove myself! 

But look at me now, in the bathtub, with my pink vibrator talking to you about my passion to help women liberate themselves from the patriarchal fuckery!

Trained as a Sex, Love and Relationship coach, I fully believe women are wired for pleasure and flow and when we are operating from pussy flow (pun not intended! Maybe! 😁) we are powerful beyond words!

I, like 99% of you who are reading this, at one point in my life, said enough is fucking enough!!!! 

So Unleash Your Inner Bad Bitch was born and I support women to do exactly that!


If you’re still reading this, it means you’re getting ready to break out of the good girl patterns, step into your unleashed self, and claim that power and purpose, mama!


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